Ok, I'm in a bit of denial. Denial over the fact that my TEN YEAR high school re-union will be coming up at the end of this school year (or next summer?). Ten years?!? Holy smokes! Most days I wonder where all of this time has gone. Other days it feels like it was just yesterday.
I actually enjoyed high school for the most part. I wasn't the most popular person, but I definitely had plenty of friends and fit into a variety of cliques/social groups. I swam swim team, I was editor-in-chief of my high school paper, and I threw a party (or 2 or 3) at my parents house (which knowing how sacred your home is now, I am forever apologetic to my parents). I earned three letters that still adorn my letterman jacket with that ridiculous flap on it. I liked the social part of high school much more then the academic.
With all that said, it surprised me a bit that I somehow was chosen to be the Class of 2001 "Reunion Representative". One of my closest friends (who I met originally in high school) had been browsing the Alumni Website and noticed that I was the designated contact. Since that discovery, I have received several emails from former classmates asking me when it is, what are we doing, can they bring their significant other, and other questions that I don't have answers to.
You see, I'm all about going to my reunion. My friend from high school and I decided that we would go together no matter what. It will be fun to see people. It will be fun to legally drink and party with the people who I used to drive up a mountain, huddle around a campfire and guzzle beer with. And thanks to Facebook (CLICK HERE TO READ ABOUT MY FACEBOOK ADDICTION) I know what most of my former classmates are up to, so conversations will be easy and awkwardness will be at a minimum (or at least one can hope for that).
But here's the thing. I am a great party planner (my friends don't get bday parties, they get extravaganzas), I just don't want to (or have the time to) plan and organize this event. Talk about a TON of pressure as well! I will be happy to help out and offer my input. Just being the representative is a role that's just not for me. And this gets me back to my original question of wondering how I was nominated for this large undertaking. I can think of a handful of people who were way more school spirited than I was. Someone who was on student council maybe? Someone who went to every hall decorating and float building event? Someone who painted their cars and their face for every game day? Or maybe someone who just has the time to put into planning our reunion? I emailed the alumni association last week. The basic gist of the response was:
So, to whoever takes over planning the RHS Class of 2001 Ten Year Reunion....GOOD LUCK. We were an energetic, spirited group then. It will be fun to see how we are now! I'm totally excited (and a bit petrified) to see you all again. I can't wait!!!
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Good 'Ole RHS! |
Ok, I'm in a bit of denial. Denial over the fact that my TEN YEAR high school re-union will be coming up at the end of this school year (or next summer?). Ten years?!? Holy smokes! Most days I wonder where all of this time has gone. Other days it feels like it was just yesterday.
I actually enjoyed high school for the most part. I wasn't the most popular person, but I definitely had plenty of friends and fit into a variety of cliques/social groups. I swam swim team, I was editor-in-chief of my high school paper, and I threw a party (or 2 or 3) at my parents house (which knowing how sacred your home is now, I am forever apologetic to my parents). I earned three letters that still adorn my letterman jacket with that ridiculous flap on it. I liked the social part of high school much more then the academic.
With all that said, it surprised me a bit that I somehow was chosen to be the Class of 2001 "Reunion Representative". One of my closest friends (who I met originally in high school) had been browsing the Alumni Website and noticed that I was the designated contact. Since that discovery, I have received several emails from former classmates asking me when it is, what are we doing, can they bring their significant other, and other questions that I don't have answers to.
You see, I'm all about going to my reunion. My friend from high school and I decided that we would go together no matter what. It will be fun to see people. It will be fun to legally drink and party with the people who I used to drive up a mountain, huddle around a campfire and guzzle beer with. And thanks to Facebook (CLICK HERE TO READ ABOUT MY FACEBOOK ADDICTION) I know what most of my former classmates are up to, so conversations will be easy and awkwardness will be at a minimum (or at least one can hope for that).
But here's the thing. I am a great party planner (my friends don't get bday parties, they get extravaganzas), I just don't want to (or have the time to) plan and organize this event. Talk about a TON of pressure as well! I will be happy to help out and offer my input. Just being the representative is a role that's just not for me. And this gets me back to my original question of wondering how I was nominated for this large undertaking. I can think of a handful of people who were way more school spirited than I was. Someone who was on student council maybe? Someone who went to every hall decorating and float building event? Someone who painted their cars and their face for every game day? Or maybe someone who just has the time to put into planning our reunion? I emailed the alumni association last week. The basic gist of the response was:
- They weren't sure how my name was acquired.
- There are some guidelines that are available for planning a reunion.
- And basically they didn't really know anything and would have to ask the Alumni Association Board for any real type of answers.
So, to whoever takes over planning the RHS Class of 2001 Ten Year Reunion....GOOD LUCK. We were an energetic, spirited group then. It will be fun to see how we are now! I'm totally excited (and a bit petrified) to see you all again. I can't wait!!!

I'm so sad I didn't get to fulfill my childhood dreams of graduating from RHS. I remember in ELEMENTARY school talking about going to RHS and when my parents moved around in Reno, they always were careful to keep me within RHS limits. So when we moved freshman year, to MISSISSIPPI of all places, I was devastated.
That said, it was in MS that I met my husband and my first son was born, so I DO now believe everything happens for a reason. And I feel blessed to not only have ONE HS that I can call home (even if I did only get to go to RHS for 4 months, I feel like my dreams qualify me as an alumni haha) but two and thanks to the wonders of the internet (and FB) I've been even more blessed to stay in touch with the good friends that made RHS home for me as well as the OSHS friends I made in MS. :)
Can't wait to see all the pics of the 10 year reunion! Time sure flies, doesn't it!